"The Last Working Stripping Shovel"
Bucyrus Erie 1050B
Photos and Information courtesy of:

Nice view of the 1050B,looking
down the cut.
I've had several people write to me and ask "How
many stripping shovels are still working in the U.S. ? ." Well,
as of today (10/08/00), the answer is ONE. With the Silver Spade
parked for repairs and awaiting permits, the Lynnville 5900 sitting
parked , and a few others sitting around: the last WORKING stripping
shovel is the Bucyrus Erie 1050B shown here.
Located at the Industry Mine in Industry Illinois, the
machine is owned by the Freeman United Coal Mining Company. Built in
1960, the 1050B previously worked at the Banner Mine in Illinois, for
the same Company.
According to Keith Haddock, the 1050B will be in
operation for at least another year, Beyond that, it's hard to say
what will become of this machine.
