The "Anthracite King"

Bucyrus Erie 1250B

Photos By: Art Catino &Walter Bennet

Older picture of the Anthracite King, before the new paint job.

The Anthracite King

The "King" is one of the more easily recognised draglines in existance today, the distinctive "Cantilever Boom" make it easy to spot.

The King, A Bucyrus Erie 1250B walking dragline, Spends it's days doublecasting with a Marion 8700 in a Northeastern Pennsylvania Anthracite mine.

Since the mines in the area run up to 600 feet deep, a single dragline can't remove the overburden from the pit. In this situation, doublecasting comes into play.

Doublecasting involves a dragline sitting on a bench about half way down into the pit, and another located on the rim of the pit. The Lower drag digs spoil from the pit in front of it and spins around and piles it as high as it can behind itself. The second dragline then reaches down and picks up the spoil from the pile and carries it the rest of the way out of the pit.


The King, wearing a new paint job.

The King, with his doublecasting partner, a Marion 8700

To see pictures of the 8700 CLICK HERE.